The hot drama between a former contestant known as **”Miss Catering”** and **Karla Estrada**, the TV queen and mother of famous star Daniel Padilla, has just been revealed. This beauty has spoken out to accuse Karla of not keeping her promise to help her after the show ended, causing a stir in the online community.
According to the former Miss, Karla Estrada had once pledged to support her in developing her career after she participated in a reality show about catering, with Karla as a consultant and judge. However, after the show ended, all contact from Karla was completely cut off.
Karla Estrada, after being named in this drama, quickly responded:
*”I tried my best to support all the contestants, but not all plans can be implemented immediately. We need time and effort from both sides.”*
Karla also affirmed that she did not mean to “abandon” anyone and still hopes to be able to help the Miss in the future.
This drama has caused a wave of mixed opinions on social networks:
– **Karla Estrada’s side**: Many people defended Karla, saying that helping contestants is not a legal responsibility but only goodwill.
Currently, both sides have not made clear moves to resolve this drama. Will Karla Estrada take concrete action to calm the situation, or will the story be pushed to a climax even further?