In an unexpected twist, actor Aga Muhlach has spoken out about the real biological father of Mavy Legaspi, the son of actress Carmina Villaroel. This revelation has sent shockwaves across the entertainment world, as the long-standing question about Mavy’s parentage has finally been answered, with new details coming to light from both Aga and Carmina.
During a recent interview, Aga Muhlach candidly addressed the speculation and rumors surrounding his connection to Mavy. He confirmed that he is, indeed, Mavy Legaspi’s biological father, clearing up any confusion surrounding the topic. “Yes, it’s true. I am Mavy’s biological father. It has always been a part of our story that we’ve kept private for a long time,” Aga shared, explaining how the situation had been kept under wraps for years.
The revelation comes as a surprise to many, as Mavy has always been publicly recognized as the child of Carmina Villaroel and her former partner, actor Zoren Legaspi. However, in a joint statement, Carmina Villaroel added her own thoughts on the matter, expressing gratitude and openness about her past relationships. “I’m glad that the truth has finally come out,” Carmina said. “It was never about hiding anything, but this has been a part of our journey. We are just happy to be in a good place now, and Mavy has always known how much we love him.”
While the news of Mavy’s biological father surprised fans, Carmina and Aga both emphasized that the revelation does not change the bond they share as a family. Carmina and her husband, Zoren Legaspi, have raised Mavy as their own son for many years, and the couple’s close-knit family remains supportive of the young man’s future.
The revelation has sparked widespread discussion, with fans and followers of the stars reacting to the unexpected family dynamics. However, the focus now is on the love and respect that continues to bind Mavy and his family, regardless of the past.
Both Aga and Carmina are determined to ensure that Mavy’s growth and career remain their priority, as they all continue to navigate their relationships with care and openness. Despite the surprises surrounding the story, it is clear that the family unit remains strong, united in love and support for one another.