Aired on December 19, 2024, the latest episode of It’s Showtime saw a hilarious and chaotic moment unfold when Breadwinnable #2 found himself caught in an impromptu acting challenge with none other than the legendary Comedy Queen, Eugene Domingo. The two had an unforgettable on-screen exchange where Eugene skillfully portrayed a character trying to hide her parents from a debt collector. This scene had viewers laughing out loud as the spontaneous acting turned into a wild and unpredictable spectacle.
As always, It’s Showtime delivered a perfect combination of fun and laughter, inviting the audience to join in the midday excitement. The episode was hosted by a star-studded lineup, featuring Vice Ganda, Anne Curtis, Vhong Navarro, Karylle, Jhong Hilario, Amy Perez, Kim Chiu, Jugs & Teddy, MC & Lassy, Ogie Alcasid, Darren, Jackie, Cianne, Ryan Bang, and Ion Perez. Together, they made sure that the show was filled with vibrant energy and non-stop entertainment.
If you haven’t seen it yet, make sure to catch the latest episode and experience the fun firsthand. Stay tuned with the It’s Showtime family as they continue to bring joy to viewers every weekday with their lively segments and entertaining banter! #GMANetwork