Kris Aquino once again caused a stir in public opinion when she reacted strongly to Senator Bong Go’s joke about her past relationship with veteran actor Philip Salvador. Being a straightforward and confrontational person, Kris immediately spoke up to defend her honor and send a strong message.
At a recent event, Senator Bong Go unexpectedly brought up the love story of Kris Aquino and Philip Salvador with a joke that made many people present laugh. However, it seems that this statement did not make Kris happy at all.
Kris Aquino, who had a tumultuous relationship with Philip Salvador and had a child together, felt offended when her past was made into a joke in public. Immediately after hearing the news, she immediately spoke up on social media, expressing her indignation. Kris did not hesitate to criticize Bong Go’s actions, saying that such jokes were inappropriate, especially when it came to her personal life and her son, Josh Aquino. In her post, Kris emphasized:
*”I have had enough of gossip about my personal life. If this was a joke, it was an insensitive and unnecessary joke.”*
She also sent a reminder that using other people’s personal lives to make fun of them, especially in a political context, is an inappropriate act.
Kris Aquino’s response quickly created a wave of debate on social media. Some people supported her point of view, saying that no one has the right to make fun of someone’s past, especially when it can affect their family. However, there were also many opinions that Kris overreacted, because Bong Go’s statement was only humorous and not intended to be offensive.
However, this incident once again shows that Kris Aquino is still a character that is not easily touched. She is willing to speak up to protect herself and her family, no matter who it is. Will Bong Go have any response after this incident? Let’s wait and see what happens next!
Kris, calms down after Bong Go’s joke
SAP Bong Go, who is running for senator in the May 2019 elections, turned his campaigning in an unspecified location into a comedy bar because he made a running joke about the relationship between Kris Aquino and Philip Salvador.
Based on SAP Bong Go’s story, they often hang out with Philip because he is a friend of President Rodrigo Duterte.
SAP Bong Go’s joke was, “Ipe (Phillip Salvador) is the adopted father of Davao City because he left four children in Davao.” The actor can be heard in the video calming down but President Duterte’s right hand continues, “it’s true, you fooled Kris Aquino.”
Although SAP Bong Go’s joke was a hit with the audience, he did not win the sympathy of the majority and we are one of them. Not because we know and talk to Kris, but as a voter because is this the kind of senator we will vote for in the upcoming elections who has not yet been able to play with a person’s character? Well, what if he is already sitting, maybe it will be worse?
We are not the only ones who felt this way because almost everyone was angry at what SAP Bong Go did.
Based on the comments we read when Kris posted this video of the senatorial candidate on her IG, many also didn’t like the joke.
According to @emmiemvp, “Bad campaign! This should spread as a lesson for men like him who makes ladies a laughing stock no matter how good he is. If he’s here in North America that will be called for, for him to stop his campaign! Disgraceful! Love you @krisaquino.”
Meanwhile, @iamsting26 said, “when there is trash in the mind, trash will also come out of the mouth, so for sure only trash will be brought to the Senate.”
As a single mom, @chellejoyc also related, “DECEPTION” IS NOT A JOKE, especially when there’s a child involved! I’m not a fan of anyone, but I’m also a single mom who was DECEIVED by my child’s father. I feel like I’m being laughed at. Big NO for this one.”
@maniwantiwan also didn’t like it, “This guy doesn’t deserve a Senate seat. Gosh we need better Senators.”
On a side note, SAP Bong Go will no longer get @wangwangwuwulimlim’s vote, “it can be a different joke, don’t mention the name, it’s not the joke that’s funny, that’s why you’re not on my list! Sorry!”
Bong Go is also insecure based on @rowena8635’s opinion, “not so gentlemanlike comment using and namedropping Kris in any political speech means insecurity.”
And @bryansiace’s assumption, “maybe Bong Go is the one who is paying attention and Ms. Did he use @krisaquino to get attention that he thinks he will get more votes if he makes fun of Ms Kris’ past?”
We also read that some who are on SAP Bong Go’s side say that they should just let it go because people will forget about those jokes, but more people criticized him.
Kris couldn’t help but laugh at SAP Bong Go’s joke, especially since he is currently facing a court battle.
Kris’s post was gentle.
“So much hurt deeply in the past few days. I was shown this video while in Japan (flag) and had actually reached out to Senatorial Candidate Bong Go because my Dad taught me to stand up for myself. I was doing a #konmari on my phone & the video came out and I watched it again.
“That was my mistake, I had a black eye on Friday, got a headache on Tuesday and then saw the punch line again during the campaign sortie and was laughed at because I was “fooled”.
“I have no regrets with you SAP BONG GO. I have only had good words for you but I hope that in your service to the Filipinos as a senator (I know you are a SURE WINNER), I hope that women will also be your priority.
“I am Kris Aquino but it is easy to make a “joke” that I was “fooled” by the father of my eldest child. I worked, and my family did not abandon me. But what about the women without financial security & family?” Sorry, I missed that because the “FOOLED” one was already on his hands, when I watched it again and heard the audience laughing, it was another slap in the face to the person who admits that he will lose.