Host and media queen Kris Aquino recently made the online community worried when she shared about her deteriorating health condition. In an emotional post, Kris admitted that her pain and autoimmune disease symptoms are returning with more severity.
“I was hoping to get better, but the pain is getting unbearable. This makes it difficult for me to continue my daily activities,” Kris shared.
She also said that she is continuing intensive medical treatment and thanked her family for the support, especially her sons Josh and Bimby, who have always been by her side during difficult times.
Fans and friends in the entertainment industry were quick to send words of encouragement and prayers for Kris’s recovery. However, her condition is still a big question mark that makes many people worried.
Will Kris Aquino overcome this difficult period? Fans still hope that the female artist will continue to be strong and resilient, as she has faced challenges in her previous life.