BB Gandanghari, Mariel Padilla give detailed account of past feud
Mariel hurt by BB’s “talking doll” tag: “It means I have no brain.”
The feud between the two celebrities, BB Gandanghari and Mariel Padilla, lasted for more than a year.
They lived in the same house but did not talk and did not pay attention to each other during family gatherings.
BB and Mariel admitted that they had built a good relationship before their feud.
But how did their fight that lasted for a year and a half come about?THE START OF THE FEUD
Before the pandemic and before BB decided to stay in America, she and her sister-in-law Mariel had formed a bond.
Mariel is the wife of BB’s younger brother, Senator Robin Padilla.
But this good relationship between BB and Mariel was cut off during the pandemic.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, both BB and Mariel.
BB is staying there, while Mariel went to the U.S. to give birth to her son with Robin.
In BB’s YouTube video uploaded on March 13, 2025, BB and Mariel look back at how their conflict began.
According to BB, he used to call Mariel, but Mariel allegedly wouldn’t answer.
BB said that her sister-in-law, Mariel, was trying to put her down.
That was the beginning of their argument that escalated into a fight.
BB said that in the midst of the pandemic, she had a mental breakdown due to insecurities and uncertainties.
She said: “I was so scared of being alone that I was like, ‘Oh, my God, will I ever be able to go home?'”
This was also during her transition period to become a trans woman.
Being alone in America in the midst of the pandemic, BB became angry at the world. And he detailed his frustrations with his loved ones.
BB’s Instagram Live became an outlet where he shared some serious revelations about his life. BB’s family’s outburst came when rumors surfaced that he was found dead in his apartment in the U.S.
He was the victim of a death hoax BB lamented, saying that not even one of his family called to check on him and check on his condition.
Mariel explained that this was normal for them because Robin is always the victim of death hoaxes.
In one of his Instagram Lives, BB chastised his sister Robin. He also called Mariel a “talking doll”.
Mariel felt this and reported Robin.
He said that what he told Mariel was: “It means I don’t have a brain. I don’t have a brain, I’m just talking. That’s my interpretation of that.
“I was so hurt. I actually said, ‘We have a relationship.’ I feel like that’s where I come from that we’re close,” Mariel said of her and BB.
BB denied that that was what she meant by calling Mariel a “talking doll.”
The initial argument ended in their anger at each other.
When BB and Robin’s sister Royette Padilla passed away, BB couldn’t return to the Philippines.
Zoom was her way to “be with” her family in the Philippines.
But BB and Mariel didn’t talk, not even on Zoom.
Mariel admitted, “I reached a point [that] I said, ‘If Robin forces me for us to be okay, I’d rather just break up.'”
Robin and Mariel’s relationship was also affected because of BB and Mariel’s conflict.
BB returned to the country on Christmas 2022.
BB said she realized that Mariel wasn’t done with her resentment towards her.
But BB felt that she needed to make peace with Mariel because the people around them were already affected, like her mother Eva Cariño and Robin and Mariel’s children.
“I’m missing out on something. I can’t even be close to my nieces. It’s time to move forward…” BB said to herself.
But Mariel wasn’t ready yet.
There was even one time when Robin handed BB the phone to talk to Mariel, but Mariel hung up on BB.
BB became more convinced that Mariel wasn’t really ready to say goodbye.
She said, “Deep in my head, I said, ‘It’s not really over yet. It’s not just because it’s not over, [Mariel] is angry.’”
There was another occasion, on Mommy Eva’s birthday, BB and Mariel were told to pretend they didn’t have a fight.
Mariel understood that BB had to come to be with their mother. But that didn’t mean she was going to say goodbye.
“I told Robin, ‘It’s Mama’s birthday, I want Mama to be happy. She wants to be with all her children. She [BB] should come, but don’t talk to me anymore. Don’t come near me, don’t talk to me anymore.’”
That was also the first Christmas that Mariel didn’t bother.
“I was really so hurt by the ‘talking doll,’” Mariel admitted. BURYING THE HATCHET
BB returned to the U.S. with her and Mariel’s problems still unresolved.
But she said she felt the weight of feeling like there was an enemy in the family.
When Mommy Eva got sick, she looked for BB in Mariel.
Mariel said she knew that Mommy Eva was aware of the conflict between her and BB.
Mariel thought that the Padilla matriarch wanted her and BB to make up.
“I knew it was intentional for her to say BB. So, he wants to fix it,” Mariel said.
Because of Mommy Eva’s poor health, Mariel thought of making amends with BB.
Mariel said, “I don’t want to live in regret. And guilt is the worst feeling. You’re miserable all the time.”
BB felt the same way, tormented by regret when Royette passed away.
BB learned that Mariel had offered to pay for BB’s ticket home.
That was BB’s opening for her and Mariel’s congratulations.
BB said to herself, “Now she’s ready and now she’s doing it for Mama.”
Because of Mommy Eva’s illness, the two of them worked harder to resolve their misunderstanding.
When BB got home, Mariel apologized.
BB replied that she needed that time to think.
She said that it’s not easy to fix when there is a conflict in the family, so one should be careful not to be the cause of conflict.
When the two of them forgave each other, they felt lighter.
BB said, “It makes everything sweeter. Of course, in every relationship you take care of it, of course.”
Mariel said, “I can say it’s so much more… more relaxed.”
Mariel realized that family needs to be valued and not taken lightly.
BB said, “In the end, when you have a problem, it’s the family, no matter what. They’re the ones who are there.