BB Gandanghari hurt by family’s indifference: “It makes you feel…like you’re worthless.”
BB Gandanghari laments, “Why can’t I make my family smile?” It’s good that netizens are caring.
This is the lament of BB Gandanghari, who lives alone in Los Angeles, California.
BB couldn’t help but mention the hurt she feels towards her family, who she says can’t even get a phone call to say hello.
BB, 52, was once known as matinee idol Rustom Padilla.
In November 2016, a U.S. court legally recognized her name BB Gandanghari and her gender as female.
Her siblings are actors Robin Padilla, 50, and Rommel Padilla, 55.
“Because your family makes you feel like you’re worthless. That you don’t deserve a call,” BB said sadly.
BB even used quotation marks to emphasize the word “family.”
This is contrary to the touching messages she gets from her avid followers on her YouTube and Instagram.
A netizen said she understands BB’s situation—who is deeply saddened by loneliness.
Especially during the quarantine period when physical connection with loved ones is prohibited.
BB said that the netizen’s message made her feel better.
“At least, now I feel that I’m not abnormal. Maybe they are.
“I’m not abnormal. I feel like I’m getting hurt, that I feel like this.
“I’m not dramatic, they’re just numb.”
Another netizen told BB that it always makes him smile whenever he watches her.
BB smiled sweetly and replied, “If I make you smile, why not?”
She then pulled back, “Why can’t I make my family smile? Why don’t they smile at me?”
“Please answer. You’re welcome. Thank you.”
BB revealed this in his YouTube vlog on April 21.
Many of his followers are entertained because BB’s stories about his life in America are funny and inspiring.
He also has random live streaming on Instagram where he talks directly to his followers.
Like on Monday, April 21, BB’s aura was positive while live streaming inside his car.
He had already parked in front of his office, but he was still almost an hour early.
He told netizens that he has a day job—7:30 a.m. he clocks in and his schedule is eight hours.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, he is still able to work because the company he works for is small.
He also said that his job is not people-oriented so they don’t have customers to interact with.
He said that his work is safe because they practice social distancing.
“At work, we are six feet apart. People don’t come in and out of our house.”
During break time, BB eats his lunch in the car so he can be alone.
BB said that the work continues because otherwise he won’t get paid.
“We are essential because we are a small business, and we have to survive.
“At the same time, we don’t compromise on safety because we are not [a] people-oriented [type of] small business.”
In addition, he also says that he is investing in his dream of reaching Hollywood.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, BB was participating in acting auditions.
He said, “Acting here is hard. You really have to go through the process.
“Acting here is something that needs investment.
BB also described that on weekends she does household chores.
She said she goes to the laundry shop early so there are fewer people.
She said the protocol is strict. There are only two customers inside and they are required to wear masks.
When she gets home, she says, “You have to cook because you’ve run out of food.
“There are worries that you have to clean… You wanna shut down but you can’t.
“I don’t know if you feel that way. But that’s how I was on Saturday.”
At least she was able to rest on Friday.
BB keeps her beloved dog, Imman, happy.
Even when she’s at work, she takes Imman with her, and just leaves him in the car with the windows open.
She says she’s not worried because it’s safe and there are no open-car gangs in the area she works.
Aside from her pet, BB also mentions her deep faith in God several times.
He even shares Bible verses to inspire others.
He says this is his secret to maintaining a positive disposition no matter what.