EHEM : A Nurse Benj posted because he noticed that former President Duterte’s oxygen tank was NOT ATTACHED to his TUBE.
“‘He said, ‘PLEASE BE REMINDED: Always check contraptions for patient safety!
“‘Make sure the Oxygen TUBING is always connected to the OXYGEN OUTLET PORT of the oxygen humidifier to deliver effective O2 support and maximizing resources.
EHEM : A Nurse Benj posted because she noticed that former President Duterte’s oxygen tank was NOT CONNECTED to his TUBING.
“‘Please be reminded: Always check contraptions for patient safety!’
“‘Make sure the Oxygen TUBING is always connected to the OXYGEN OUTLET PORT of oxygen humidifier to deliver effective O2 support and maximize resources.”THIS IS A SAFETY ISSUE,'” is Igan’s caption.
In the comments section of the news posted on BANDERA’s official Facebook regarding this, netizens had mixed reactions, some agreed with Igan but many also criticized him. Here are some of the comments from our BANDERA members.
“You can remove that if you feel okay, you’re still paying attention to the oxygen!”
For those who don’t know, there is a pulse oximeter used to monitor the blood oxygen level, when the oxygen level is normal, you can pull the tube out of the oxygen tank or just turn off the O2 tank. Too much oxygen can be fatal. There’s Google, why don’t you do some research before you start. You know better than medical personnel.”
“Igan, look for Sarah Balabagan.”
“Wait Arn Arn..then you’ll use the tube.”
“You’re there Arnold Clavio, you’re younger than dad Digong, you’ve already had a stroke. How much more dad, you’re 80 now. tired of life but still standing up to save you and your family from harm. You shameless people.”
“Maybe his oxygen level is okay so he unplugged it and didn’t remove it from PRRD because he was sleeping. The guy has been tired since Hong Kong, he needs a rest.”
“Well, it’s true that the oxygen in the tank is not connected. Don’t.”
“Hahaha, you’ve revived your issue with Sarah B.”
“I also noticed that your hair is not connected to your scalp.”
“You’re a fool, Arnold Clavio! You know a lot, you’re not Kuya Kim! You should be arrested and brought to the ICC.”