In a heartbreaking turn of events, former actor and politician Er Ejercito has publicly announced the passing of his ex-wife, veteran actress Maita Sanchez. The news of her death has left the entertainment industry and her fans in mourning, as Maita was known not only for her remarkable acting career but also for her kindness and impact on Filipino television and cinema.
Maita Sanchez, who made a name for herself in the 1980s and 1990s with a string of successful TV shows and films, was loved by many for her talent and her beautiful personality. She was best known for her roles in both drama and comedy, establishing herself as one of the beloved figures in Filipino showbiz.
Er Ejercito, who was married to Maita for a time, took to social media to express his grief and pay tribute to his late ex-wife. “It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to Maita,” Er wrote in his emotional post. “She was not just a talented actress, but a good person. My thoughts are with her family and loved ones during this difficult time.”
The couple’s relationship had been well-publicized during their time together, with both individuals supporting each other in their careers. After their separation, however, they remained amicable and respected each other’s paths. In his tribute, Er reflected on their shared memories and the moments they had during their time together.
Fans and colleagues from the entertainment industry have also shared their condolences, remembering Maita as a professional who left a lasting impact on Filipino media. Many expressed sadness at her passing, recalling her iconic performances and the way she made audiences laugh and cry with her sincere portrayals.
Maita’s death marks the end of an era for many of her fans who grew up watching her on television. While she may have stepped away from the spotlight in recent years, her contributions to the Filipino entertainment industry will not be forgotten.
As of now, the cause of Maita Sanchez’s passing has not been officially confirmed, and her family has requested privacy during this time of mourning. Er Ejercito, along with other close friends and family members, is expected to attend memorial services in the coming days to honor her life.
This news has shaken both the entertainment community and the many fans who admired Maita’s work. As her legacy endures, she will always be remembered for her warmth, her talent, and the joy she brought to the lives of those who were lucky enough to see her work.