The festive spirit of Christmas was alive and well on the set of the beloved Filipino variety show Eat Bulaga! as the iconic TVJ Dabarkads hosted a fun-filled Christmas party in their dressing room. The Dabarkads, consisting of Tito Sotto, Vic Sotto, and Joey de Leon, have been entertaining audiences for decades, creating a strong bond with their fans and one another. And this year’s Christmas celebration was no exception, radiating warmth and joy among the hosts, crew, and everyone involved.
Held in their dressing room, the Christmas party was a more intimate affair, showcasing the camaraderie and friendship that has stood the test of time. The festive atmosphere was enhanced by laughter, heartwarming moments, and a display of gratitude and love for one another. It was a chance for the Dabarkads to relax, bond, and celebrate the holiday season together after months of hosting the popular noontime show.
Guests at the party were treated to delicious food, Christmas decorations, and playful games that highlighted the fun-loving personalities of the Dabarkads. Fans couldn’t help but notice the genuine smiles and laughter shared by the hosts, as they reminisced about their past Christmases and cherished memories on Eat Bulaga!
One of the most heartwarming moments of the celebration was when the hosts exchanged gifts, adding an extra layer of affection and goodwill to the event. For many fans, these personal moments behind the scenes were just as meaningful as the show itself, offering a glimpse into the true relationships that have been cultivated over the years.
As Eat Bulaga! continues to be one of the most beloved shows on Philippine television, this Christmas party in the dressing room was a testament to the enduring bond between the Dabarkads, as well as their gratitude for the support of their fans. The joyful and festive spirit of the event was shared with viewers, who were delighted to see their favorite hosts in such a happy, relaxed setting.
This celebration wasn’t just about the holiday season—it was about family, friendship, and the happiness that comes from working together as a close-knit team. For the Dabarkads, the Eat Bulaga! Christmas party was a chance to spread love, joy, and gratitude to everyone who has supported them throughout the years.
As the year ends, the Dabarkads continue to be a source of inspiration, laughter, and entertainment for countless viewers, bringing people together in the true spirit of Christmas. Here’s to more years of Eat Bulaga! magic and unforgettable moments with the TVJ Dabarkads!